Hungarian Parliament on the banks of the Danube in Budapest. I’m back and refreshed from our lovely trip along the Danube! I always have great intentions of blogging more on vacation, but I often find it doesn’t feel like a vacation unless I’m fully “unplugged” (instagram aside, of course). I have lots of pretty pictures … Continue Reading

Not to sound overly gushy but there’s really no other way to describe this place but picturesque. And a university town, too. Can you even imagine going to school in a place like this? Most of these photos are from the ruins of Heidelberg Castle, an incredibly ornate and surreal place, rendered even more surreal … Continue Reading

These photos are from touring the magical fairy tale land that is the Black Forest, rendered even more magical by a visit to the Abbey of St. Peter, which sits in the middle of the forest, on a mountain top and rises seemingly out of nowhere. I’ve always been a sucker for onion domes, so … Continue Reading

Just got back from our wonderful trip down the Rhine and about to tackle the immense task of weeding through all of my photos, but I wanted to share some of what I’ve been up to in the meantime. Here’s a small sampling from my instagram! one helluva cuckoo clock from the Black Forest dreamy … Continue Reading