Not to sound overly gushy but there’s really no other way to describe this place but picturesque. And a university town, too. Can you even imagine going to school in a place like this? Most of these photos are from the ruins of Heidelberg Castle, an incredibly ornate and surreal place, rendered even more surreal by the fact that it’s remnants are balancing precariously on the edge of a cliff. The stuff that movies are made of, really.

Closet Fashionista
All I can say is wow. These photos are breathtaking! So glad you shared these!
Phoebe Limanta
What a beautiful place to visit! And goodness, how lucky are the students that go to school there!
Eat. Live. Love. Repeat.
I like the faces on that gentleman's knees! Perhaps when my knees get old and wrinkly, they will look that cool. And the angel on the fish? Very neat – wonder what it means.
Simply breathtaking. It must be amazing to call a place like that your home.
Chic on the Cheap
wow. magnificent structures!!! amazing! 😀
Animated Confessions
Wow, what a great place!
Marina Ignatyev
I lived in Heidelberg for 3 years! Loved it, it's a wonderful city! I miss Germany a lot!
Michelle Katherine
It's definitely gorgeous! We'd love to travel more and hopefully visit and learn some more about all the history behind some of these buildings and amazing architecture!!