B and I went to the see the Hurt Locker, which was so friggin’ awesome! Definitely see it. Anyway, even though it’s been hot as Hades lately, I freeze to death in movie theaters so I had to layer up. I hadn’t thought about leggings in quite a while, but Katie of Faux as F*ck … Continue Reading

Since I am a lazy, bad blogger, I neglected to mention I was lucky enough to join K as her date for a screening of The September Issue as part of Discovery Channel’s Silver Docs Documentary Film Festival about a week ago. Though it’s gotten mixed reviews, I quite enjoyed it. I thought it portrayed … Continue Reading

Just got this email from Ek: Filming a “stunt” on 18th and Columbia. As far as I can tell the “stunt” is Paul Rudd running into traffic crossing the street from Wachovia to Adams Mill Bar & Grill. I do that “stunt” on a regular basis except there isn’t a production team making sure the … Continue Reading

I often get inspired sartorially by films, especially by ones with femme fatales. I think when you dress like a certain character, it inspires you to act a little differently than you might otherwise. I think almost every girl has had that pair of shoes or that dress that has made her feel a little … Continue Reading