These shorts were originally capri pants, which I thought I’d never wear again and had bagged up for the thrift store, but the other day I was feeling rather productive and thought they might make nice shorts and so I lopped them off. I can’t say I’m displeased with the results. I’m looking forward to … Continue Reading

Sometimes I wish all nights could be summer nights. It’s just so nice to be able to hang out outside all night, if one wanted to, and not freeze one’s ass off. I’ve had this jean jacket for about a thousand years now and you can’t see it in the picture, but it is slowly … Continue Reading

Since I am a lazy, bad blogger, I neglected to mention I was lucky enough to join K as her date for a screening of The September Issue as part of Discovery Channel’s Silver Docs Documentary Film Festival about a week ago. Though it’s gotten mixed reviews, I quite enjoyed it. I thought it portrayed … Continue Reading