As you might have noticed, Fall Gold Cup holds a special place in my heart. Besides being one of my favorite autumnal events, one of my first blog posts was actually Gold Cup-centric. I always love checking out the outfits and people-watching – a pretty great way to kick off the fall sartorial season!
Marc by Marc Jacobs sunglasses
Mango shirt
Banana Republic sweater
Hermès and Amrita Singh bangles
French Connection skirt
tights c/o Hanes Hosiery
vintage Ferragamo boots (love this pair)
Mansur Gavriel bag (another great one here)
Closet Fashionista
Loving your outfit, especially the color of your sweater!
There are so many cute kiddies there! It always looks like you have a great time there.
Looks like such a fun day, and I love you in that skirt!
Chic on the Cheap
Barbara Bermond
I guess you had a nice moment, the photos are very pretty!
Have a nice week!
Jane Droll
LOVE THIS OUTFIT! 60 thumbs up!