in my eyes, indisposed

in my eyes, indisposed

in my eyes, indisposed

After spending most of the weekend furiously cleaning and organizing for incoming family visitors, soft grungy layers were all my feeble mind could compute. Random food note: Mussel Bar’s Crawfish Pepperpot Soup makes for a pretty perfect Sunday mid-afternoon snack.

Ray-Ban wayfarers
ASOS dress (love it in plaid, too)
H&M jacket (old, very similar here)
vintage flannel shirt (great one on sale here)
Elaine B Jewelry ring (thanks to Topaz and Arrow
giantLION ring 
various bracelets from New Mexico
hue knee socks
H&M boots (old, similar here)
Sophie Hulme bag



Great look!


This look is so fun! And I love that necklace still, so gorgeous


You look way too cute for deep cleaning! I looooove the grungy vibe in this look!


omg!!! i want that box purse!!!

Animated Confessions


I feel like I haven't commented on your blog in AGES, and for that I apologize! Bad follower 😉

Gosh, I love the plaid and stripes together here, and your dark faced watch is too pretty. I also love seeing the leaves on the ground like that!


So cute! I finally just finished cleaning my apartment for my parents arrival. Here is my guide to entertaining parents in DC for Thanksgiving.


The jacket is very cool!!

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