The past couple weekends’ activities as documented through Instragram. Thank God they finally let us Android kids join the party or I would have felt a little left out. More stuff @districtofchic.

The past couple weekends’ activities as documented through Instragram. Thank God they finally let us Android kids join the party or I would have felt a little left out. More stuff @districtofchic.
Natasha Fatah
Instragam. I still don't have a smart phone. Talk about feeling left out of the party. :S
~Natasha Fatah~
~Natasha Fatah~
Awe, fun! I love seeing snippets of peoples' lives through pictures like this. 😀
Nikki @ The Ginger Diaries
haha, I don't even have android. They should make on for a windows phone too! boo! Lovely photos E. Now I want some mini donuts too. x
Abbey Brandon
Lovely flowers!
xo, Abbey (District Dress Up)
Amanda Raborn
LOVE Instagram! Your pictures look like you had a great weekend 🙂 Keep in touch!
It's an Easy Life
Am2Pm Chic
instagram is such a hit right now. good thing it is available for android!!
thanks for the sweet comments and visit us again!!
Isn't it terribly addicting?!
daisymay aka Chantele
Yay for instagram! It was possible the first app I got when I got my smart phone! Lol!
Daisy Dayz
My Hub Pages
His and Hers
Yay! I love Instagram and glad you Android kids are finally able to join the fun! 🙂