Yesterday I got a little thrill when I received an email from Martine at American Apparel that one of my looks was featured on their Slim Slack page (I’m down in the bottom right-hand corner :-). It’s an honor to be featured by such an iconic brand.
I was tagged by the lovely katie d to do 10 things that make me happy. I haven’t done a tag in a while and this one sounded nice, so here goes…
- fabrics so soft and thin, they teeter upon the brink of nothingness
- absurd shoes (obv.)
- beautiful weather – being a corporate zombie, enjoying sunshine feels a little bit bad and dangerous
- soda, in all shapes and sizes
- flowers, especially when gifted – I know. I’m such a girl, but B could give me a dandelion that he picked from the side of the road and I would still squeal with delight.
- ditto on presents in general – candy, cards, dresses, jewelry – I’ll take ’em all with a smile on my face.
- tacos, like my soul sister, Crystal Renn
- naughty animals – for some reason they’re so much cuter when they’re bad and they know it
- Netflix for the Wii – life-changing
- wine – I asked B repeatedly to help me complete this list and that was his only response.
Helmut Lang top
C&C California tank top
Abercrombie jean shorts
vintage belt
Jeffrey Campbell clogs
KMRii bag
PS I was also quite delighted to see my look on the Chictopia homepage today 🙂