DC is finally deflating. Today was the first day the stores and streets weren’t completely packed with people and I feel like I can finally breathe again (I’d never make it as a New Yorker). While B and I were not brave enough to venture down to the Mall, we were lucky enough to attend the MTV “Be the Change” Youth Inaugural Ball (thanks to my awesome friend, Ek). Like all inaugural balls, it involved a lot of waiting in lines, but we ended up meeting quite a few lovely and interesting people because of it. I wish I’d taken more pictures, but I never seem to remember to do that when it actually counts. I’ll refer you here to see more if you’re interested.
me and my shrunken-head-Obama date – he truly is a marvelous dancer!
…and we’re in line again! (this time for drinks)
Mango bustier and skirt, Aqua clutch
PS I have more pics of this weekend to share once I get my act together to organize them all!
Addendum: I was so tired last night that I completely forgot to mention that the Mango top and skirt were relics from my time in Paris. I got them when I was tres pauvre and had to find a dress for a university ball in England {enter Mango}. Since we got tix for the inaugural ball kind of last minute, I dug out these tried and true duds. I still love them and if I had my druthers, I probably would have paired them with a Tim Burton-ish feather cape. Next time, perhaps…
Wow! You look amazing! Hope you had a fabulous night 🙂
Bambola x
Way to go, Rocketboom girl!
Beautiful! How fun to get to go to a ball! 🙂
lol, thanks so much guys! I’m forever in debt to my friend for thinking of us and giving us the tickets!
oh and that deleted comment was mine (I had a typo) – I hate that blogger makes it look all sketchy like you’re censoring people.