Another fabulous borrowed tee from the Weardrobe closet. It’s so incredibly soft and I love how the print resembles television static. I thought it would go nicely with these jeans, which were the result of a bleach experiment/accident – they were originally bright blue. I like the lavender so much better. The weather was marvelous … Continue Reading

Baby Please Don’t Go – Them The weather was absolutely beautiful on Sunday. Subjected B to Wild at Heart tonight. I’m pretty sure he was really weirded out. I kinda like it, but then again I like (really) strange movies. Random side note: I’m surprised David Lynch and Dwight Yoakam haven’t collaborated on a movie … Continue Reading

I promised you I’d spend an absurd amount of time on my DIY “Balmain” jeans, didn’t I? Well I did not lie to you. I’m pretty pleased with the results, I have to admit. They’re damn comfy and I think my completely unnecessary anal-retentiveness gave me the cloudy effect I was hoping to achieve. *golf … Continue Reading

Yes, I know 23490823 other bloggers have done this already, but at least I can promise you I will spend an extraordinary amount of time on this and will be completely obsessed with coming as close as I can to the “cloud wash.” Thus far, I have bleached and washed these jeans twice using Clorox … Continue Reading